• Pyörivä retorttiautoklaavi
  • Pyörivä retorttiautoklaavi
  • Pyörivä retorttiautoklaavi
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Pyörivä retorttiautoklaavi

  • ZLPH
  • Noin 45 päivää
  • 200 vastausta vuodessa
Rotary Retort Autoclave on laite, jota käytetään ruoan sterilointiin pyörittämällä, mikä varmistaa tasaisen lämpenemisen ja jäähdytyksen prosessin aikana. Tämä muotoilu parantaa konvektiivista lämmönsiirtoa, nopeuttaa sterilointia ja soveltuu erityisen hyvin korkeaviskoosisten puolikiinteiden elintarvikkeiden käsittelyyn, joiden tasainen kuumennus perinteisissä sterilointilaitteissa voi olla haastavaa. Pyörimällä ruoka pysyy tasaisesti jakautuneena koko sterilointiprosessin ajan, mikä välttää paikallisen ylikuumenemisen tai riittämättömän kuumennuksen, mikä varmistaa perusteellisen ja tehokkaan steriloinnin. Tämä muotoilu lyhentää tehokkaasti elintarvikkeiden käsittelyaikaa, parantaa steriloinnin tehokkuutta ja laatua tehden siitä tärkeän teknologisen työkalun elintarvikkeiden jalostuksessa.


Rotary Retort Autoclave can also be called Rotary retort sterilization, rotary retort, Rotary Retort Machine, rotary retort process

Rotary Retort Autoclave

1. When rotating and heating up, the heat quickly penetrates the product to achieve the required sterilization effect and F0 value;

2. The external support wheel of the rotary retort process is integrated with the cylinder support, and the kettle body is equipped with a protective plate, which can extend the service life and make maintenance more convenient;

3. The Rotary Retort Machine supports frequency conversion speed regulation, the user can adjust the rotation speed at any time according to the product characteristics;

Rotary retort sterilization

1.It is made of high-quality 304 stainless steel. After half the precision processing, eliminates internal stress through vibrating stress relief, and then welded and assembled to maintain long-lasting non-deformation and ensure that the axis center is concentric with the rotating body.

rotary retort

2.The coupling automatically adjusts the rotation center of the cage to eliminate the radial force on the bearings and seals, ensuring the service life of the bearings and seals.

Rotary Retort Autoclave

3.The supporting wheel uses an independent bearing body as a support and is externally adjustable, which effectively avoids damage to the connecting parts of the equipment caused by adjustment errors and makes the maintenance and replacement of the supporting wheel easier.

Rotary retort sterilization

4.The top air cylinder is used to directly apply pressure. When in use, air will not leak into the retort to ensure the heat distribution effect. A layer of silicone is attached to the stainless steel pressure plate to increase friction, protect the product, and extend the life of the  air cylinder.

rotary retort

Rotary Retort Autoclave

Rotary Retort Autoclave

Rotary water immersion

Rotary retort sterilization

Rotary steam


SpecificationsTray size (mm)Basket size (mm)Power kWVolume m3

Floor area

(length/width/height mm



The Rotary retort sterilization is designed for processing semi-solid foods such as porridge and condensed milk, as well as packaging in tinplate cans and plastic cups.

Rotary Retort Machine use a variety of different sterilization methods, including water spray sterilization, water immersion sterilization and steam sterilization, to meet the processing needs of different food formulas. This diversity ensures a high degree of adaptability, allowing our equipment to provide optimal sterilization results in different situations.

rotary retort
Rotary Retort Autoclave
Rotary retort sterilization

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